What Are Brands Doing?

How are brands getting their stories on television? Does the media interest voiced in surveys match their actual interest when it comes to scheduling interviews with actual spokespeople? How is technology helping to put brand stories on television? We address those questions in this issue of COVID-19 Media Guide for PR Pros. We put the “media interest” question to the test in one day of pitching a lifestyle story on creating relaxing spaces in your…

Radio Survey Results

In the third edition of COVID-19 Media Guide for PR Pros we share the first results of our radio survey. 25 radio stations responded.   According to Nielsen, radio audiences are increasing substantially as more people work from home. 92% of the stations were interested in a coronavirus related story. 88% of the stations were interested in interviewing a brand expert in a general story unrelated to the virus. Radio is the fastest and lowest…

TV Survey Results

In this edition of COVID-19 Media Guide for PR Pros we share the first results of our TV station local news survey. 52 stations responded.   87% of stations said they would take a story related to the virus from brands or non-profits. 77% would take a health story not related to the virus. 75% would be open to a story on a general topic.   Station demand is there for interviews with brand spokespeople…

PR Industry Survey: Is the Satellite Media Tour Comeback Real?

After finding out that there was a 21 percent increase in use of satellite media tours and a 38 percent increase in using in-house spokespeople by both brands and the agencies, we conducted a survey to find out if these trends were unique to D S Simon Media or industry wide.   Here is what 70 PR professionals (brand and agency communicators) had to say:   Nearly 1/3 are increasing or considering increasing their use of SMTs. Close to 90 percent are either…

Satellite Media Tours Are Making a Comeback

Satellite media tours are making a comeback with a 21% increase on SMT spending in 2019. The reasons? While it’s harder than ever to get your story on cable or network news, our brand visibility report showed that there’s a greater opportunity to get your experts and spokespeople on local news. The average local TV news station will spend less than 25% of its newscasts on politics in 2020. A second reason, a 38% increase in use of internal spokespeople in…