PR’s Top Pros Talk…Pitching – Michael Smart

 Michael Smart, CEO at MichaelSMARTPR, shares best practices for pitching to the media heading into 2021. Michael discusses the findings of a recent study his team conducted on journalists’ opinions about various pitches they’d received (grab the ebook here). He provides practical tips that communicators can immediately implement into their pitching strategy to see more effective results. Michael also breaks down some of the internal stresses when it comes to navigating what’s needed to pitch a story successfully.

PR’s Top Pros Talk…Travel – Cristyne Nicholas

 Cristyne Nicholas, CEO at Nicholas & Lence Communications, breaks down the critical role she played in rebuilding New York’s tourism following 9/11, drawing parallels and distinctions with COVID. Cristyne shares examples of creative ways NLC has been promoting travel in New York City in the current environment. She also provides practical tips on how smaller markets can effectively promote safe tourism.

PR’s Top Pros Talk…Artificial Intelligence – Aaron Kwittken

 Aaron Kwittken, Chairman at KWT Global and CEO at Prophet, discusses the role of A.I. in public relations and how it can help communicators pitch the media more effectively. Aaron shares what pushed him to develop the platform in the first place. He also breaks down how the technology works and how he is able to bring the intelligence into artificial intelligence.