PR’s Top Pros Talk… How to Build an Authentic Brand Identity

 Leah Dergachev, Founder and Chief Storyteller of Austley, shares how she applies her 3D framework to help clients stand out. She emphasizes the importance of creating strong emotional bonds between brands and their audiences. Leah also shares how case studies can be used to demonstrate the value of your offerings while providing data points that support PR opportunities.

PR’s Top Pros Talk… Turning Ideas into Innovative Campaigns

 Gizem Ozcelik, Founder and CEO of GO PR, discusses trends in the PR space, including digital media, the rise of sustainable tourism and creative programming. She shares examples of how she collaborates with brands and clients to bring out of the box ideas to life. All of this to help clients break through the noise in a competitive landscape.

PR’s Top Pros Talk… Uncovering the Truth About AI

 What do communicators need to know about AI? Tomás Puig, Founder and CEO of Alembic, breaks down common myths about generative AI. He highlights the impact of earned media in reaching a broader audience. Curtis Sparrer, Principal of Bospar PR, shares his experience discussing the impact of AI with colleagues and clients. Tomás and Curtis stress the significance of gaining insights from experts before implementing AI.