What is Asked of CNN Analysts? Michael Zeldin Explains.

Doug Simon spoke with Michael Zeldin in preparation for Truth on Trial: Implications for Communicators, the third installment in a series of events looking to get a conversation started about truth and communication in today’s political, business and social climate. Michael Zeldin is a CNN Analysts and internationally recognized financial crimes expert. He’s a board member of the Association of Certified Financial Crimes Specialists, as well as a member of the American Bar Association and…

“Young People Need to Know That They Can Pursue Their Dreams”

Terry Edmonds, former Chief Speechwriter for Bill Clinton and Executive Speechwriter at IBM CHQ Communications is one of 40 extraordinary communicators featured in the new book Diverse Voices. He spoke with Doug Simon, CEO at D S Simon Media, about achieving career success while bringing diversity to an organization. The interview took place during the PRSA Museum’s fourth annual BlackPRHistory event. The event was also sponsored by the PRSA Foundation and Black Public Relations Society—NY…

Support Wildfire Victims by Drinking Beer

 Brewing company Sierra Nevada released “Resilience IPA” to raise funds for victims of the California wildfires. More than 14,000 homes were destroyed by the fire, including those of more than 50 Sierra Nevada employees. To spread word of the campaign, company CEO Ken Grossman participated in a nationwide satellite media tour, completing 27 interviews reaching millions of viewers. Every dollar spent on the new IPA will got to the Sierra Nevada Camp Fire Relief…

What Does it Take for a CEO to be Effective in Live Social Video?

 Martin Waxman, CEO of Martin Waxman Communications, again joins Doug Simon to discuss the “How to Integrate Live Social Video into Your 2019 Comms Plan” report. The two touch upon the evolving role of CEO, and how on-camera tendencies can have a major impact on brand authenticity. Martin also sheds light on key trends for successful communication in 2019. Follow Martin:    .